
Séjour médical en France

Évacuation sanitaire en France.

évacuation sanitaire vers la France, la France a une histoire médicale qui vaut maintenant son excellence. En effet, l’OMS a classé au premier rang mondial le système médical français. Ceci est compris par la politique française qui accorde 75% de ses dépenses publiques au domaine médical. Son système de santé permet ainsi une relation privilégiée entre patients et médecins. Il existe un grand nombre de spécialistes et de médecins généralistes. Avec 3,2 médecins pour 1 000 habitants contre 2,8 médecins pour 1 000 habitants au Royaume-Uni, la France est l’un des pays les plus médicalisés.

Le système de santé français offre une expertise médicale de très haut niveau. Grâce aux importants financements publics et privés, les hôpitaux disposent des meilleures technologies. Ces centres sont également agréés par la Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS). Ces établissements multidisciplinaires permettent une gestion globale de toutes les pathologies.

Grâce à notre réseau de partenaires français, Virtual Clinic est en mesure de vous proposer une assistance dans plus de 150 hôpitaux français.

Nous avons des solutions personnalisées pour chaque patient, nous offrons des soins médicaux de qualité et nous mettons un point d’honneur sur le coût raisonnable du séjour médical.

Les patients assurés par ces compagnies d’assurances SUNU, AXA, SAHAM et MCI CARE n’ont aucun souci à se faire.

Virtual Clinic organise toutes vos évacuations médicales vers la France conformément à vos exigences.

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Medical Stay in France

◦ Transmission of medical records and medical prescriptions.

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In order to organize in the best conditions the return of the patient in his country of origin, our partners strive to contact all the doctors and medical structures that took care of the patient during his medical stay, in order to obtain:

  • Detailed medical reports of intervention, including the result of treatments performed during medical evacuation or medical stay
  • Medical certificates and sick leave record justifying the absence of the patient during the period necessary for his recovery
  • The description of medical conduct to be held once you return to your country of residence
  • The possible summonses to RDV checks that can be located at 3, 6, 9 or 12 months after the medical intervention, which can organize the return of the patient in France
  • Any prescriptions for medications to be taken in the weeks and months to come

These documents are given to the patient, as well as to his health insurer or his funder to validate the operational closure of the medical evacuation or the medical stay and to plan the day of departure of the patient towards his country of residence. They may then be handed over to the patient’s employer by his own care or to any other institution that requests it for compensation or other purposes.

Keeping the doctor link/ beneficiary link – organization of the return to France for possible control visits

Because our partners consider that going for treatment in France or benefiting from medical evacuation is not an isolated act during the life of the patient and that this must be an integral part of a longer-term medical treatment, measures are taken by our partners to maintain the link between the patient and the doctors who treated him during his stay. Free quote

Thus, a monitoring sheet is drawn up by our partners who take care, on a regular basis, of:

  • Contact the patient (or his insurer) in his country of residence to take news and take stock on the evolution of his pathology, his recovery and any difficulties encountered
  • Contact the French doctors who have received and treated the patient, in order to tell them the news of the latter as well as his questions or difficulties, in order to gather the advice or proposals most adapted to the specific case of the patient.

In the case of visits or control examinations that can not be carried out in the country of residence of the patient, or needs of medical deepening, our partners are responsible for planning the necessary medical journey back to France with the same structures, and to organize a new medical evacuation or new care in a reasonable time allowing a calm return to France.

◦ Follow-up of medical treatment in the country of origin – Sending the necessary medicines for treatment

Through the monitoring sheet developed internally by our partners, special attention is paid to the supply and renewal of medicines.

Depending on the needs, the urgency or the unavailability of the molecules in the country of residence of the patient, our partners strive to:

  • Request the necessary prescriptions from doctors
  • Go buy drugs on behalf of patients or their insurers (after obtaining their formal agreement
  • Organize the delivery of medicines to the country of residence of the beneficiary of medical evacuation or care in France, taking into account the constraints to respect the cold chain.

This is what Virtual Clinic calls the « After Sales Service » of medical evacuation.

◦ On-demand transmission of EVASAN minutes and proof of expense

Our partners act as agents for the administrative and logistical management of medical evacuations to France.

This means that for all contracts with both medical facilities and other providers (paramedical, accommodation, transport, etc.), our partners act on behalf of their constituents, that is, organizations or individuals who mandate it to manage these medical evacuations or medical stays: hospitals, insurers, employers or the patients themselves …

As a result, Virtual Clinic must be completely clear and transparent about the nature and amounts of expenses incurred for each medical stay or medical evacuation.

An administrative report (CRA) of medical evacuation or medical stay is therefore systematically established after each stay of care in France and transmitted to our customers. This CRA includes the following topics:

  • Details of expenses incurred for medical evacuation or stay by nature (medical, paramedical, accommodation, transportation, other). The proof of each expenditure is systematically attached to the CRA.
  • Reminder of the initial estimate received for the medical stay or the medical evacuation
  • Balance of medical stay or evasan, that is to say, the difference between the amount collected by our services and the expenses incurred.Depending on the sign (debtor or creditor), the balance of your stay is refunded to the nearest cent to our clients / clients (case of a total received> expenses) or a call for additional funds is transmitted (case of ‘a total collected (expenses), of course attaching the relevant supporting documents (invoices).

We provide you with post-Evasan follow-up and the transmission of an evacuation report in complete transparency

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